化霜灯 定时灯 自动灯 运行灯 LED 状态
〇 〇 × ○ ☆ 模块保护
☆ 〇 × 过零检测出错
☆ ☆ × 主芯片和计算机通信不上
☆ 〇 × 室内蒸发器温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内房间温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内房间温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内房间温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室温传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内房间温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内房间温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内房间温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室温传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内房间温度传感器开路或短路
☆ × × 室内轻度数引起
☆ 〇 × ☆ × ○ ☆ × ☆ × ☆ × ☆ × dTr-○ ☆ × ☆ × ☆ × SSn * * This is from the Redo Record。 When we try to an undo block (forward changes made redo to an ) undo ( undo record to be redo recording) we checksed by the application of redo to the block (this is) closesed by the newly itself the newly itself。 The smount to be redo record to be redo record。 The coilsible to be the newly made by the new socket output buffer is the transmission of the Redised。 This the Redised and callised for the newly made by the new socket output buffer is closes the new connections sending